Leaders Make a Difference

Monday, December 8, 2008

New Leadership Blog

I decided to create a new blog that will hopefully allow me to connect with all the faculty members and students that assume leadership positions in SBA, and others. I'm hoping I can motivate you to become a better leader, a better teacher, a better student and a better person. We all have so much to learn. We also feel overwhelmed at times, we have a lot to do and are trying to accomplish more things that we can physically and emotionally handle efficiently and effectively at times - and of course, many times it's difficult to balance our busy (and hectic) lives and to simplify things without neglecting our responsibilities. You may say, this is all I need, something else I have to read or check. My hope is that you check this blog once in a while (maybe once a month) - to share ideas and compare notes. I'll try to provide some tips, inspiration and the latest information on how to become a more effective leader. I'll also mention and provide links to interesting websites you may want to review.

First, let's talk about the importance of "emotions" and "feelings" and how these affect the people around us. According to the Teleos Leadership Institute "leaders have begun to realize the critical impact that emotions—theirs and others—play in determining their success as leaders, and therefore, the success of their organizations." Please check their site at: http://www.teleosleaders.com/teleos_ldc.html and click the link "How Emotions Drive Behavior" under Downloadable Articles (PDF Format) on the right side. We have to learn to pay attention to our feelings. "Feelings are like prayers" - they are important and they change who we are and how we relate to others. "Studies have repeatedly shown that emotions spread irresistibly whenever people are near each other, even when contact is completely nonverbal." Others are affected by our moods, by our positive or negative attitudes. Let's try to pay attention to our feelings.

In order to be able to motivate others, we have to learn to be passionate about what we're doing, our ideas, our work... to love what we have to do even if that's not what we always love to do. We have to show enthusiasm and feel confident. We have to believe that we can make a difference! We also have to expect the best from others if we want to see their best!

If you have any ideas on how to better motivate our Club/Organization members and officers, please let me know or send me a comment. May you always be inspired by the beauty in this world...


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